March 28, 2025

Isiah Steeno (Oneida): 2021 Wisconsin 138 lb. Gold Gloves Boxing Champion Preparing for Nationals

By Dan Ninham, contributing writer

Isiah Steeno, 24, is Oneida and native Hawaiian. He lives in Oneida, WI. He is also a 2021 Wisconsin 138 lb. Golden Gloves Champion boxer working with the Soaring Eagles club.

“At the start of COVID-19, I was very depressed during the lockdown,” said Isiah. “I had taken off from boxing all of 2019, then in the summer of 2020 Billy Pocan opened up the new gym and I got back into it. I decided to start taking it seriously.”

“Isiah is a very hard worker,” said Coach Billy Pocan, Soaring Eagle Boxing Club. “He always stays ready to fight. But one of the best things about him is that he listens and is very coachable. As we prepare for his biggest tournament yet in Shreveport, LA in December for the USA National Championship we are getting the best sparring we can from Milwaukee to Chicago two times a week.”

“Since fights have opened back up I’ve fought and won four times in 2021,” said Isiah. “Two of those fights were at the state tournament to win golden gloves. Getting better and better each fight.”

“This boxing journey wouldn’t be possible without my coach Billy Pocan, and he’s really helped me a lot,” said Isiah. “Always pushing me to be better and work harder, sees the potential I have, and if he doesn’t like something he keeps it real with me and lets me know what I need to do so I can fix it. Whether it’s boxing or a real life situation, my grandma and my girlfriend have played a big part too, always supporting me and being there when I need it.”

Photo Credit: Miranda Skenadore