January 27, 2025

Amryn Brown (Shoshone/Arapaho) of Wyoming Indian School named the recipient of the prestigious Bob Carey Memorial Award

(Wyoming) – Amryn Brown (Shoshone/Arapaho) of Wyoming Indian School was named the recipient of the prestigious Bob Carey Memorial Award for being the Outstanding Class 1A/2A girls basketball player for the State of Wyoming for the 2016-17.

The Carey Award was named in honor of long-time Lander High School coach Bob Carey. Carey was the only coach in Wyoming to have won both a boys’ and girls’ State championship in basketball. He was instrumental in starting girls’ basketball in the state of Wyoming. He believed in excellence and in equality for all athletes.

The award is given to a senior basketball player who must show leadership ability, scholarship, character, athletic ability and community involvement.

The winners will receive a plaque, and their names will appear on the plaque located at the Bob Carey Memorial Fieldhouse in Lander, Wyoming.

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