March 6, 2025

George Rocha (Apache): Pursued Opportunity to Rise at Mescalero Apache HS (NM)

By Dan Ninham

The 2020-21 Mescalero Apache HS boys’ basketball team beat Tularosa 68-40 in the second round of the New Mexico state tournament. Two days later the team lost to Rehoboth Christian HS 46-34 to end their season.

George Rocha, 18, was a senior basketball player at Mescalero Apache HS in NM.

“I am a member of the Mescalero Apache Tribe,” said George.

“I started playing basketball at the age of five,” said George. “After I started playing basketball and football as a child, I became passionate about sports and continued to play and compete. Some of the types of athletics I have been involved in are basketball, football, golf, track, and cross country.”

George was named All District, District 3-2A, for the past three seasons of 2018-2021 for boys’ basketball. He was a member of the District Champion team in 2019-20.

“During my freshmen year in high school, I tried out for the varsity basketball team,” said George. “This was one the most important moments of my life, because I made the team. Not only did I make the varsity team, but I also earned the honor of becoming the point guard for the team.”

“As a member of the honorable Mescalero Apache Tribe, I have many tribal core values,” said George. “Some of our Apache core values include being spiritual, intelligent, respectful, kind, compassionate, skillful, swift, brave, obedient, disciplined, and belief in the power of nature.”

“As a student-athlete I learned to work as a team, my team is my family,” said George. “Each time I walk out on the basketball court, I bring with me my Apache ethics, I pray for safety, strength and to help me be the best I can for myself and all that I endure. In order to be a student athlete, you must possess good grades, punctuality, and be an intelligent and humble student both in school and on the court.”

“Playing basketball, you must have respect and compassion for coaches, teammates, opponents and the referees,” said George. “When I play sports, I present myself as a respectful player. I strive to be swift and skillful while handling and coordinating the basketball during games. As a team captain, I influence and help my teammates strive to work together as one. At times it is challenging to be mistake-free, but as long as I am obedient and disciplined, I can do anything.”

“One of the many people who have positively influenced me is my basketball coach,” said George. “His name is Mr. Michael Trujillo and he is the head basketball coach at my school. Coach Trujillo truly believes and trusts me, leading our basketball team. I have known Coach Trujillo for two years and within this short period of time, he has made a positive impact on me. My coach has always encouraged me to push myself and do better.”

“George is a leader,” said Coach Michael Trujillo. “He has great leadership skills. He is a poised player. Not much got him shook up and he was always in control of things and got the offense started. He was a good shooter and passer and led us in assist and highest shooting percent. He has great character and is a special student-athlete.”

“In order to keep myself safe during this pandemic, I always wear my mask, keep my hands clean and social distance,” said George. “As soon as I get dropped off to practice or games, I put my mask on and wear it throughout the many activities. I also carry hand sanitizer all the time and wash my hands throughout the day and games. Our school in Mescalero also enforces many safety practices for the students and the teachers.”

The late Kobe Bryant has a quote that George “adores.” It is: “Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.” 

“I learned while being a basketball player, that there are a lot of positive and negative aspects of the basketball game,” said George. “On the positive side, I always believe in myself and know I can achieve everything and anything I put my mind to. My team, coaches, family and fans are my inspiration and foundation, they help me by supporting me all the time.”

“During my tenure as a basketball player, I experienced much negativity,” said George. “People would make untrue and negative comments about me. They didn’t believe that I could be a successful point guard.”

“But guess what! My team and I worked hard. We broke through all the barriers and negativity. I’m proud to state the Mescalero Apache HS boys’ varsity team have become a better, bigger, taller and faster team competitively.”

The 2019-20 Mescalero Apache HS boys’ team won the District Championship. The team moved into the first round of the New Mexico State Tournament.  Even though the team didn’t win, it was a major accomplishment for the team, program and community.

“As long as you believe in yourself, no one can stop you,” said George. “Use negativity as encouragement. Always move forward and don’t let no one hold you back. Bring forth your individual ethics and values, when you compete in sports.”

George Rocha is very passionate when he plays basketball,” said mom Kathryn Rocha. “George puts his heart and soul into his every move. Determination is a big part of his basketball character. He continues to strive and is determined to get better.”

“George is also very dedicated to his team. He never misses practice and he is always early to the games and practices. George is also one of the leaders of the team. He is a great role model to our younger Chief family,” added Kathryn.

“Academically, George is thriving,” said Kathryn. “He is very responsible and ensures his work gets done. Even on game nights he is up late completing homework. George also listens and incorporates what the coaches train him to do. George always stays positive. He does not pay attention to any negativity or drama. He simply brushes all the bad stuff off his shoulders.”

“George stays focused on basketball. He is very serious about ensuring his teammates are in the right positions during the games. If they aren’t he will tell them where they need to be,” added Kathryn.

The rules of the court are simple according to George: “Play your best and be a good sportsman.”

Photo Credit: Kathryn Rocha

2 thoughts on “George Rocha (Apache): Pursued Opportunity to Rise at Mescalero Apache HS (NM)

  1. Great job George, we’re all proud of you. Your just getting started. Wish you the best in whatever you choose to pursue.💪💪💪🥰

  2. As a parent of an Apache child, I must say I am very proud of you, your endurance, your ethics, and your pride in who you are a well as striving to help your teammates be better. I wish you much success.

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