March 26, 2025

Rocco McMakin (Sioux): Signed National Letter Of Intent At Williston State College

By Dan Ninham (Oneida)

Rocco McMakin was a Montana All State Basketball player at Lame Deer High School this past season. He also recently signed his national letter of intent at Williston State College in North Dakota.

Rocco McMakin lives on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation with his parents 

Loranzy and Teresa McMakin. “My Indian name is Sun Road,” said Rocco. “I am forever grateful where I come from. I love my land, people, and our ways.”

“I loved all sports during my high school career with cross country and basketball,” said Rocco. “Growing up light skinned, not every native kid is going to want you as a friend, but I think my athletic ability really helped me fit in.  When I was young, like from six to 10 years old, my brothers and I used to Motocross. At that time I was ranked the best in Montana and Wyoming. I loved that, going out to the track all day with my brothers and just enjoying each other’s company. Then the gas price went up, and it started to get really expensive which put a halt to that. Then I started to really like basketball, I practiced every day. When it snowed my brother Bubba and I would shovel just a little part so we can shoot and dribble.”

“I am currently number one in my class at Lame Deer High School,” said Rocco. “I am going to Williston State College to play basketball, get my generals done, then once my two years are up there I hopefully will continue basketball. I plan to get my business degree and open up a shoe, clothing store, gym, tattoo parlor and barber in the back all in one building. This would be a place where anybody can go chill. I would love to do that on my ‘rez’, just because these kids around here are missing out on so many opportunities, and just settling. My goal is to open their minds, cause I believe anything in the world is possible, there is no failure, and you just got to find what you’re good at.”

“My brother Makinzy Dowl McMakin, also known as ‘Mac’, impacted my life greatly,” said Rocco. “Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be like my brother Mac. In all my life of knowing my brother he never gave up. He pushed for a better day everyday. He never complained about anything, instead he would just ‘go with the flow’. I remember him everyday and everything he taught me. My brother passed January 11, 2017, and my birthday is January 12. Every year we always end up playing 2k on my birthday, but not that year. Only thing I kept hearing in my mind on my birthday was ‘I’m so sorry Roc’.”

“When this all happened I was so mad at the world,” said Rocco. “Like why? But as time went on I started to believe that everything happens for a reason. My brother still teaches me things till this day. One thing that I know he taught me was how to keep my faith. I believe if I live my best life, and I will see him another day, Cause it was truly God’s gift for giving him to my family for 25 years. And I will be forever grateful for him for that. Yeah he left early, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna see him again.”

“Two more people I can’t forget is my mother Teresa and father Loranzy,” said Rocco. “You will never meet a couple like them. After my brother passed, we were asked to take in three little boys and a baby girl. Without hesitation both of them said ‘yes’. Their names are Ma’Kao, Kason, Izzy, and Illiana McMakin. All together I have 10 siblings, and I thank the Lord everyday for them. If they weren’t here, only God knew where I would be. I mean these two people are super-heroes. If someone asked you to take in four kids, would you? They didn’t have to but they wanted to give these kids a chance at life and no matter what I’m going to protect them at all cost.”

“My dad is an awesome man, the most humble and funny guy I have ever met, and my mom is super smart and a corny girl, but no matter what my mom and dad stood by each other sides. It was them versus the world, they didn’t start off strong but they kept working their way up and I could truly seen it growing up. Words can’t explain what they mean to me and I know my mom and dad have their days, where they miss Mac but they stay so strong for us kids it’s crazy. The two strongest people I ever met. I just want to take care of my mom and dad, and give them the things they deserve,” added Rocco.

“Another person I can’t forget is my other big brother LaVon Myers, also known as ‘LV’,” said Rocco. “I can’t thank him enough for his guidance. When I was a sophomore and was going through some stuff he let me come stay with him. He might’ve just saved me who knows. He taught me that your opponent is working twice as hard as you. Life is only hard if you want it to be. There would be times when I wouldn’t want to work out but he pushed me and saw things in me no one else saw. And that just meant so much to me because if y’all heard about ‘LV’ he will bust you anytime any court. This man is the greatest basketball player I have ever watched. His love for the game is unmatchable. And I say that proudly! I’m very thankful knowing ‘LV’ and his beautiful family. I can’t forget about his awesome wife Nuni, who always checked up on me, and made the best food around. I won’t ever forget what you guys did for me, and one day I will get you guys back … I promise.”

“Rocco is like a little brother to me,” said LaVon Myers. “I have been blessed to watch him grow into a fine young man from his freshman year to now. My family loves Rocco and we would like to thank his family for trusting us with him. Rocco is extremely respectful and has great manners. That says a lot about how his parents raised him. 

He played on my AAU team and right away we had a connection. With him living so far, he began to stay with my family on weekends and would practice as well as do extra work. For a while he was battling some different things back home and his family allowed him to come and stay with my family in Box Elder after basketball season. He stayed with us for about two and a half months and during that time we got even closer. We spent a lot of time watching college hoops, and me beating him in 2K.”

“We would stay up and talk about his dreams and what he wanted to do with the game of basketball. He always said after he graduated college, he would like to go back home and help his community and the youth coming up behind him. I always admired that about him,” added LaVon.

“I believe he was also getting use to a college basketball training schedule during that two and a half months,” said LaVon. “His first workout would start at 5:15 am and then he would go to class. Then he would lift and play open gym after school. After that he would go back home, and study and eat. Then we would have Northern players come to Box Elder and train at 8 pm and he would be able to work out with them and interact with current four year university basketball players. I believed he enjoyed that part the most. The opportunity to go against college basketball players almost every night and test his skills.”

“I think Rocco’s will and determination will help him at the next level. He is willing to put in the work even when he is tired, and that speaks volume. He has the ability to be a great leader and can impact a game in a variety of ways. He can score, pass, and has the potential to be a great defender. I look forward to seeing his growth and development at the next level,” added LaVon.

“Physically I’m trying to get bigger for college,” said Rocco. “I’m a 6’3 guard weighing 160 lbs., and that just ain’t gonna do it at that level or where I’m trying to be. Lately I’ve been doing some workouts, going on runs here and there, but not daily, and just trying to eat as much as I can. And the funny thing is, it’s working, ever since the quarantine, it really gave me an opportunity to get my body right. I would love to get in the gym, but that is okay, because I know people who’ve been through worse and still succeed.”

“Mentally, I’ve just been trying to eat as much as I can, saying that I mean take in as much knowledge as possible,” said Rocco. “I think basketball is more than a game. It’s the way you move, see things, and do things. It gives me a chance to not be like everybody else. Working on my craft everyday, to be where I want to be. Thinking and knowing anything in this world is possible. It all comes down to one thing in my mind and that is to be great.”

“I’m spiritually connected with basketball because that would be me and Mac’s thing,” said Rocco. “Going up to the courts playing HORSE, and teaching me street-ball moves, and some of his own moves. Before every game I feel his presence with me. I’ll be cool and calm, until I feel this type of energy go through me. And that’s when I know it’s time to be great.”

“Emotionally, I struggle with being successful with games,” said Rocco. “I had a game on Jan 11th, we played Colstrip, and it felt like I couldn’t miss that game. That game I had 32 points, knowing everybody was happy for me doing that good. And the thing I struggled with is realizing how hyped he would be for me. And it’s sad he never saw me like this. Just being the ‘Home Town Local Hooper’, knowing everybody’s rooting for you. But at the end of the day I just want him in the stands and no one else. And that’s where my faith comes in. I just have to remember he is always with me and will stand within me.”

“I could have turned to so many negative things after my brother’s death, cause if you live on a ‘rez’ you know how easily it is to be toxic,” said Rocco. “But I didn’t. I stuck with my goal of playing college ball and I did it.  And just how it’s so hard for a young kid trying to do right when everything around him is negative.”

“I mean I can sit here and tell you how many crazy things I saw just living on the ‘rez’,” said Rocco. “But it’s not about that. It’s about being stronger mentally than your peers.”

Photo Credit: Tommy B. Robinson

2 thoughts on “Rocco McMakin (Sioux): Signed National Letter Of Intent At Williston State College

  1. You didn’t fall short of what we all in the what’s expected in a good person in life or in that eliete group of baller communities expected of you, you have set the bar high for the young people to follow you .
    You are right before our eyes living up to the potential we all knew you would.
    But the most important thing and the thing that matters the most is you are living up to the potential your Brother seen in you . But you know as well as we all do ,the jobs not over .
    Your an amazing kid and it’s my honor you have allowed me to be your friend . Much love and respect , of course to the baller you are becoming , but more so to the person, in spite of ,
    you are right now .
    Theres always a day to become better , so no matter the press and praise you get on your journey , keep that fire lit in you that tomorrow’s a new day to get better . This is the fire your Brother lit in you , what a great Brother , I know you will be ever let him down by becoming the best man you can be I ever asect of your life .
    Indeed big ass responsabilty on you , but it’s you that’s has been chosen to change the culture of the youth on your Rez. You are the hope they needed to see. You are changing lives my friend .

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