March 3, 2025

2021 Indigenous Bowl Announces the Roster for the 4th Annual Football game

(Minnesota) – The 7G Foundation and the 4th Annual Indigenous Bowl have released the roster for the upcoming football game that will be held at U.S. Bank Stadium on Sunday, December 5 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The game began in 2017 and creates opportunities for Native American athletes to compete at a high level, instills the values needed for multigenerational change and develops the next generation of leaders in their communities.

High school football players were chosen to compete in the game through an application process open to members of federally recognized tribes across the United States.

“We are proud of our long term support and partnership with the Native American community in Minnesota,” said Vikings Owner/President Mark Wilf. “We look forward to hosting the Indigenous Bowl at U.S. Bank Stadium and to welcoming these players, coaches and fans to our community.”

“The 7G Foundation is excited to partner with the Minnesota Vikings and the NFL to create new opportunities for Native athletes and to inspire them to build a better tomorrow,” said 7G Foundation Board Member Michael Stopp. “This partnership will provide avenues for young Natives to pursue their goals and showcase their talents on and off the football field.”

The following players have earned a spot to play in the 2021 Indigenous Bowl!

Andre CornWRMenomineeMenominee Indian High SchoolKeshenaWI
Ashten GanjeQBCheyenne River Sioux TribeCheyenne Eagle Butte High SchoolEagle ButteSD
Bjay HopkinsDLOglala Sioux tribeLittle wound high schoolKyleSD
Blue KelloggRBTurtle Mountain Band of ChippewaTurtle Mountain Community HighschoolBelcourtND
Bryce DixonCBMenomineeMenominee High SchoolKeshenaWI
Carlton TimmsOLNavajo, HopiWinslow High SchoolWinslowAZ
Carson Between LodgesOLOglala LakotaLittle Wound High SchoolKyleSD
Channing JimmieOLChoctawChoctaw Central High SchoolChoctawMS
Chazz GabeRBCheyenne RiverTimber Lake High SchoolTimber LakeSD
Clifford MatthewsWRAqua caliente band of cahuilla IndiansSanta Barbara high schoolSanta BarbaraCA
Creon FulghamDBNavajoChandler Prep AcademyChandlerAZ
Cruz SunchildOLChippewa-CreeRocky boy high schoolBox ElderMT
Darrius LongknifeWRAaniiih, NakotaHarlem High SchoolHarlemMT
Darvin David IVLBYurokHoopa HighHoopaCA
Devin Long CrowDBSisseton Wahpeton OyateTiospa Zina Tribal SchoolSissetonSD
Dwight WerkOLGros ventureDodson high achoolDodsonMT
DySean AllenRBKeweenaw Bay Indian CommunityL’Anse High SchoolL’AnseMI
Dylan MarshallQBRoseud Sioux (Sicangu Lakota)White River High SchoolWhite RiverSD
Easton LasterOLOneida NationOneida Nation High SchoolOneidaWI
Everett Colegrove IIILBHupaHoopa High SchoolHoopaCA
Favian SanchezRBCheyenne River Sioux TribeGroton HighSchoolGrotonSD
Gerard MarshallDLHoopa valley tribeHoopa valley high schoolHoopaCA
Hawk RamosDLSerranoAquinas High SchoolSan BernardinoCA
Hehaka Sapa Catches EnemyLBOglala LakotaRed Cloud High SchoolPine RidgeSD
Inyan White CraneLBOglala Lakota Souix TribeLittle Wound High SchoolKyleSD
James HernandezWRYurokHoopa High SchoolMcKinleyvilleCA
Javon PriceDLWinnebagoWinnebago High SchoolWinnebagoNE
Jerrick SequichieOLCherokeeCave Springs High SchoolStilwellOK
Jesse CarlsonQBBlackfeet, CreeBrowning high schoolBrowningMt
Joe DemontineyWRChippewa creeRocky BoyBox ElderMT
Justice JohnsonWRBlackfeetBrowning HsBrowningMT
Justin LonghornDBNorthern Arapaho, Absentee ShawneeOlathe West HSOlatheKS
Kanim Jaydon SampsonOLYakama NationToppenish High SchoolToppenishWA
Kayden HoweWR, TECrowHardin High SchoolHardinMT
Kazden HenryLBChoctawChoctaw Central High SchoolChoctawMS
Keyon Braided Hair-FisherLBCrowHardin High SchoolHardinMT
Korral Packs the HatOLCrowHardin High SchoolHardinMT
Landon LabeauDLMandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara NationBismarkND
Louie SmithOLConfederate Tribes of Warm ScpringsMadras High SchoolMadrasOR
Lucas PourierDLoglalalittle wound high schoolKyleSD
Lucian DeCoraDLWinnebagoWinnebago High SchoolWinnebagoNE
Makhan HarjoLBCreek/ChoctawOkemahOkemahOK
Makoa BrownDLElem Indian ColonyLower Lake HighLower LakeCA
Marqel MosesDTTulalip tribeMarysville pilchuck high schoolMarysvilleWA
Mekhi DunnRBSpirit lakeMandan high schoolMandanND
Nathan BruceDBCatawbaRock Hill HighRock HillSC
Nycholad McDanielRBPasqua Yaqui TribeSunnyside High SchoolTucsonAZ
Osceola BluehorseDBDakota/puyallupTiospa Zina Tribal SchoolSissetonSD
Raydon BrownDLSWOTiospa zina tribal schoolSissetonSD
Raymond BegayOLNavajo Nation/Santo Domingo PuebloJohn F. Kennedy High SchoolChicagoIL
Rocco ClarkOLYakama NationToppenish High SchoolToppenishWA
Rodney Laverdure jrOLTurtle mountain band of chippewasDunseith high schoolDunseithND
Romeo WhiteDBSantee Sioux NationSantee Community SchoolsHillNE
Tanner MonetteQBTurtle mountain band of ChippewaTurtle Mountain High SchoolBelcourtND
Tristan RogersLBSiouxTodd county High schoolMissionSD
Tryin MannOLNavajoTuba City High SchoolCameronAZ
Valarian ThompsonOLLeech lakeDeer River High SchoolDeer RiverMN
Wakiyan CunyRBLakotaLittle Wound HighschoolKyleSD
Xander MitchellRBNavajoTuba City High SchoolTuba CityAZ
Xavier CardinalOLPlains Cree/ChoctawDenver South High SchoolDenverCO
Zachary VarelaDBMississippi Band of Choctaw IndiansCentral High SchoolWest HelenaAR
Zaiden BernieQBYankton SiouxWinnebago High SchoolWinnebagoNE

One thought on “2021 Indigenous Bowl Announces the Roster for the 4th Annual Football game

  1. Hi just want some info on how to get my son involved with this football he is part Navajo and plays in his high school team. He is a junior in high school now.

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