March 6, 2025

Anadarko’s Beatty Sisters (Caddo & Lakota Tribes) Reunited on the Court Again at Oral Roberts University this Season

Beatty sisters reunited

Lakota and Ashley Beatty (Caddo/Lakota/GrosVentry had spent their entire lives playing basketball together in Anadarko. That all changed when Lakota Beatty went to Oklahoma State to play the first two years of her collegiate career.

“It was different,” said Lakota Beatty, a junior who transferred to Oral Roberts from OSU, and is now back to playing with her younger sister again.

“On the court, we’re just in sync, and we always know where each other is at. When I was at OSU, I had to figure out who I was as a player without her, and that was tough.”

Now the only challenge the sisters face are their living quarters.

“We had to learn how to live with each other again,” said Lakota Beatty of her roommate. “But that’s the reason I transferred was to play with her.”

There is also a given in the sibling relationship at all times: Lakota Beatty calls the shots.

“I’ve always been the boss,” Lakota Beatty said. “With my personality, I’m pretty bossy, I guess.”

A short distance away, Ashley Beatty utters a simple, “Yes.”

“If I don’t agree with her, I won’t do it. But she’s always got my best interests for me,” said Ashley Beatty, a sophomore guard who averaged 5.5 points and 3.4 rebounds per game as a freshman last season. “But whatever she says, I normally do.”

Notes: So far on the season, Lakota is averaging 14.3 points per game and averaging 33 minutes. Sister Ashley is averaging 23 minutes per game with 3 points per game.

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