March 3, 2025

Emirra Returns (Lakota): “Doing Gymnastics Was An Instant Drive To Push Myself And Be Better”

By Dan Ninham (Oneida)

Emirra Returns is a 5-2, senior all-around gymnast at Stevens High School, Rapid City, SD. 

“I am from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe,” said Emirra. “That is where my father is from as well. My mother is from Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe. We live in Rapid City, SD.”

“Growing up a minority in a mostly white school has given me more strength to prove myself and show off my culture,” said Emirra. “I grew up seeing how uncommon it was for Native Americans doing gymnastics. I always stood out but it was an instant drive to push myself and be better.”

“My stepfather has always been a positive influence to me when it came to sports,” said Emirra. “It didn’t matter what sport it was I was playing. Whether it was hitting me ground balls outside or even sitting down watching gymnastics meets with me, he always does his best to help me excel and be as successful in it as possible.” 

Stepfather Quintrell Porter said: “Emirra is a positive leader in our household. She holds herself to high standards when it comes to her academics. She leads and has always been without asking ever since I entered her life. Her grades speak volumes for her younger siblings because she sit downs at the dinner table and does her homework or studying in front of the other children in the how so they know and understands what it takes to achieve good grades. This is why she’s a natural born leader in my eyes and heart and her mind is always in the right place. Her sibling’s grades will be a direct result from watching Emirra each day and the process of what it takes to get good grades.”  

“I started gymnastics when I was two years old,” said Emirra. “I did the tot classes at the YMCA. When I was seven years old, I joined RCGA and did pre-team for a short amount of time before I joined team. I started out as a level 4 and proceeded to advance in levels and eventually work up to level nine. I have been competing gymnastics for the last 10 years, and the last four years have been for my high school and the other six were for my club gymnastics gym. Gymnastics has always been my sport and something I have always been very passionate about.”

“I was a level 4 state champion, 2nd place level 6 state champion and All-around high score 2 years in a row. I am in the top 15 in the state for high school gymnastics,” added Emirra.

Emirra shared advice for other young gymnasts: “When in the gym, give it your all, all the time. You compete how you practice. Push yourself and go that extra mile because in the end it’ll all pay off. Lastly I would say never take your time with sports for granted, they don’t last forever.”

Photo Credit: Kendall Diehl