March 6, 2025

Vivian Coan (Ojibwe): Three-sport Athlete in Northwestern Minnesota Makes Others Better

By Dan Ninham (Oneida)

Vivian Coan attends Goodridge-Grygla High School in the farming region of Goodridge, Minnesota. Goodridge is 20 miles east of Thief River Falls in the northwestern part of the state. It is also 20 miles southwest of its cooperative school in Gyrgla. The combined town populations are about 400. 

Vivian Coan is a three-sport junior athlete for the Chargers as a middle hitter in volleyball, a post in basketball and a shot putter and discus thrower in track. She is the current school shot put record holder.

“My tribe is the Red Lake Nation,” said Vivian. “My paternal birth family is from the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and my maternal birth family from the Red Lake Nation. I was adopted at 5 years old, with my younger brother by Roger and Roxann Coan. My mom is a descendent of the White Earth Nation.”

“I am confident, always trying to get myself and others better, and I lead by example,” said Vivian. “Athletics taught me responsibility and how to work with other people. It has also taught me a good work ethic and how to balance sports and academics.”

“Family is not only my immediate family and it includes everyone in my life,” said Vivian. “The community and school that I have grown up in played a part in who I am today.  They have been very supportive to my brother and I.  The community provides support and encouragement.  The teachers, staff and administration provide a good education and teach us many life lessons.  They treat us like family and they are my ‘Home away from Home.’ My coaches and teammates play a very important part of my life and I consider them family.  My coaches push me to be the best I can be.  Without the bond I have with my teammates, we wouldn’t have a team.  We have struggled through a few tough seasons, we don’t do it alone and we don’t give up. Our basketball team has a motto ‘Family.’  

“My life journey has not been typical,” said Vivian.  “I’m the oldest child of both of my birth parents.  My first two years were spent back and forth between birth family.  Family services removed me from those homes.  The following two years I spent in foster care with several other foster children.  My brother was placed in the same foster home in July 2007.  When I was 4 ½ (September 2007) my brother and I met our parents for the first time, they made the decision to adopt us.  In October 2007 my brother and I spent our first night in our forever home.  In December 2009 our adoption was finalized.  

Living with my family has changed me in many ways. I always think of how things could’ve been or where I would be if things didn’t happen like they did.   I realize that you shouldn’t base your actions off of your past but base them off the decisions you can make at this time. There is no one more responsible for your future than yourself.  Make the best of the life you are given.” 

“Following my High School graduation I’m going to continue my education at Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls, MN working towards a degree in business,” said Vivian. “I plan to play volleyball and basketball for the Pioneers.”

Roger and Roxanne Coan said: “We were blessed with Vivian as daughter.   We are thankful for her positive attitude, respectfulness and willingness to always help when needed.  She is not only respectful to us but also to her brother, teammates, friends, family and community members.”

“Viv is determined and mentally and physically tough,” said Roxanne. “When she sets her mind to something she is going to do it.  Since the time Vivian was in 7th grade she has been very committed to the weight room both during the school year and summer. From the start we have told Viv if this is something you want to do that’s on you to start your day.   Vivian sets her alarm and gets up on her own to be there by 6:30 every morning along with her brother. The Weight Room Advisor is also Vivian’s Head Basketball Coach Elroy. He pushes her to be a better person both on the court and her academics.   He knows her potential and holds her accountable for that. Vivian knows what is needed to be a stronger, faster and better player. That determination off the court also follows her on with her teammates. She has played through some tough seasons where they were building as a team.  It challenged her mentally. On the court she is a vocal leader and encouraging to all players especially the younger players.”

“On Friday, September 20th of this year Vivian had a sudden seizure at school during lunch and didn’t have any prior symptoms.  She was taken by ambulance to our local hospital,” said Roxanne. “Once arriving at the hospital several teammates and friends joined her.  Many tests were performed, and they were unable to find a cause. That evening teammates practiced with the thought they would be without Viv for at least the following week.  After practice teammates and parents stayed with Vivian at our home. They did this, so we could attend our son Jordan’s football game. Jordan was the first to get help from administration and was very shook up after the incident.  He too has Viv’s determination and wanted to play in the football game that evening. Viv was heavy on his mind as the two of them share a close bond. She followed up with a pediatrician the following Monday and was referred to a neurologist who she will be seeing in November.   Viv questioned the doctor ‘Can I play Volleyball?’ The Doctor gave her the clearance and she went to practice that afternoon. To date Vivian has had no further complications.”

Vivian has shown a positive influence on the three athletic programs she has been involved in at Goodridge-Grygla High School. “I started coaching varsity volleyball three years ago and the last two years I have really seen Vivian grow in her leadership skills,” said Katelyn Tharaldson, Goodridge-Grygla head volleyball coach. “Her teammates look up to her on and off the court. Vivian shows up to the weight room and everything extra we have whether it be team suppers, summer activities or any time help is needed with preparation to game days or practice. When she is “up” or excited it motivates everyone else. Her presence and her personality bring the team up and help bring the team together as a whole. I’ve really enjoyed having her as a player, and she is always willing to learn or help teach younger players at our spring camps. She brings a lot to the Charger Team and community and I am very proud of her and what she has accomplished so far.“

A student athlete’s work ethic is being observed and they may not even be aware of it. “I have worked with Vivian in sports and taught her in the classroom, and she is definitely one of a kind,” said Tomas Loberg, Athletic Director at Goodridge Public School. “Vivian is everything that our school hopes to foster in a student athlete; she is hardworking, friendly, outgoing, and smart.  Her positive attitude and tremendous work ethic have made her stand out in our school and athletic programs.  She continues to be a leader both on and off the court and track.”

“Vivian has been a leader on the court since she has started playing basketball,” said Elroy Johnsrud, Goodridge-Grygla head girls’ basketball coach. “She has qualities to be a good leader and she leads the right way. She doesn’t bring any of her teammates down but tries to build them up. I have really seen her step up in the classroom this year also. She is keeping up her grades and not misbehaving during class. Vivian makes my job easier by being a coachable and dedicated athlete. She goes to weight room almost everyday, and is consistently on the court trying to improve her game. She cares about the game and her teammates.”

Vivian is the current school shot put record holder. She is preparing for the spring track and field season by competing in fall and winter athletics. She continues to work with younger athletes to keep the cycle of high performance moving forward. “She is a very dedicated athlete and puts in the extra time in the weight room,” said Jason Grandstrand, Goodridge-Grygla HS track and field head coach. “She takes the younger athletes under her wing and works with them on their form in throwing and also in the weight room.”

Vivian Coan is striving toward greatness as a Charger three-sport athlete by being a role model on and off the court and field.

3 thoughts on “Vivian Coan (Ojibwe): Three-sport Athlete in Northwestern Minnesota Makes Others Better

  1. This article summarizes what an outstanding person Vivian is. I’m so proud to be her older cousin.
    Forget about the negative parts of your past; live in the now; and prepare for the future.
    Best wishes for a bright rest of your hs career. Set your goals high.

  2. Congratulations Vivian! So happy for you & proud of all of your accomplishments so far! Your future is very bright, keep up the good work!👏👏👏

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